Neil Young Uses Politics to Confirm Marriage to Daryl Hannah

Neil Young has spoken out on gun control

Neil Young has spoken out on gun control, just days ahead of the midterm elections. And, oh yeah, he's married to Daryl Hannah.

In a post on his official site, Young, 72, points fans to a video for his band's song, "Ohio," which he notes "was written back in 1970 after seeing the cover of a magazine with a young girl kneeling beside her fallen friend" after "the National Guard murdered four students at Ohio's Kent State University for protesting the Vietnam War."

"My wife Daryl and I put this video together for you to reflect on," Young writes, apparently confirming his marriage to Hannah, 57, which has been the subject of speculation for months.

The legendary singer and actress reportedly have been together since 2014.

The Kent State shootings marked "a pivotal moment in our history. It was a pivotal moment for me," Young writes before delving into today's gun control debate.

"With no real laws protecting us from guns, and with politicians supporting the NRA because the NRA supports them, we are not well represented." he writes. "Today's students are brave, demanding change in violent times."

"We stand with them. They are us. We are them," he adds. "This has been going on for far too long."

Young ends his post by urging his fans to get out the vote.

"Support the students. Support our children. They want protection. Not more guns," he writes. "Give us common sense gun laws that protect our people, in schools, in places of worship, in the workplace and on the streets. VOTE."


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